Dont Judge a book by its...

  • Judge a book by it’s cover
    Hey, why not. We all do it. If I like the look of the cover, I read the blurb on the back of the book. If I like the sound of that, I’ll give it try. A famous librarian – yes, there is such a thing – named Nancy Pearl has some advice about trying books out. It goes something like this. You shouldn’t have to finish a book you’re not enjoying. So, if you’re 50 or younger, try and read 50 pages of a book before you decide to stop. If you’re over 50, subtract your age from 100 and that’s how many pages you should read before deciding.
  • Ask a friend – or a librarian ;-) 
    You and your friends have a lot in common, right? So maybe you’ll like the same kind of books too. Make a list of your friend’s favourite books and start reading!
  • Try one of these lists!Top 100 picture books
    Top 100 chapter books
  • Use the web
    Did you know that you can search the city library’s catalog online? If you search for a book, and then look at the catalogue record, it shows you a few similar titles. It is actually free to reserve kids books, even though it tells you it will cost $1.
    Use LibraryThing’s BookSuggester to search for a book you enjoyed, and get recommendations for similar books.
    Try BookSeer – all you need is the name and author of a book you enjoyed, this will help you find more like it.
    Check out Books & Authors – you can use this at school or at home, but you’ll need the school login and password to get in (ask Miriam or your teacher for these).
    MCPL’s Juvenile series and sequels database lists over 29,000 books! It’s great if you don’t know which book comes next in a series, or want to find a new series within a genre (or subject).
    If you’re looking for new authors that are similar to a writer that you like, try the Literature Map. Type the name of the author you like, and you’ll see a cloud of writers names who write similar kinds of stories!

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